Sunday, 4 July 2010

Proud Creation

Since I have started working on posts for my fiction blog, the first thing that I always think about is how long is it going to last?

I like to start things up, like gym training, or saving money, but there is always someting which seems to stop me dead and I find that all the things i try to do, end up half done and cluttering up my personal space. So even though I stay optimistic about my first peice of published literature, in the back of my head is the niggling little voice that tells me, "It will never get done".

I said i an earlier post and still maintain that its a perfectionist issue. I am never sure if I can put the ideas and feelings i have stored up in my brain, and get them on the page. (Or in this case a computer screen) I always try, thats the one thing I can always say, I try very hard. But somehow the result has always been the same.

I read it and reread it and tweak it and trim it, i edit and enlongate and in some cases eviscerate the narrative.

But sometimes it becomes such a large mess, that I cant physically see how I can show it to anyone.

Then last night I had a breakthrough of sorts!!!!!

I was testing out the new wireless printer, and I decided to print both the chapters i have currently uploaded to my sister blog. I picked up the pages and all of a sudden I realised something unusual was happening. I had about 12 pages in my hand, and a voice in my head kept saying "I made you". I couldnt put the pages down, and I read them in my hand, even turning the pages as if it were a real book, and I felt like I actually had something to show for my many attempts at writing.

A short stack of paper made me feel like a writer, more than anything else has ever done for me in the past!!!

I put the pages in a folder and I put the folder on my dest, and now when I am not sure what to do, I loook at what I already made.

The hard part is over, I took the first step in a hundred mile journey, and I owe it to myself to keep going.

Anyway guys, gals, and garden gnomes, if you want to read the second chapter of Alone in the Crowd has been posted and if you are a first time reader you can follow the links back to chapter 1.

Please remember that all feedback and comments are welcome :)