Sunday, 10 October 2010

Counting Down the Days

It seems as though that right now my life is being made up of several small but significant countdowns. Seconds and minutes passing away from the future to the past leading on to a conclusion, its scary, but exciting too:

Meeting with student liaison to go through my coursework – 3 days (and surprisingly not left to last minute)

Meeting old friend for dinner and Cinema – 5 days (in desperate need of alcohol after)

Going shopping for more Furniture – 12 days (I’m thinking an extra large TV)

Me Moving into my new house – 50 days (scared shitless)

World of Warcraft Cataclysm comes out – 58 days (GEEKGASM!!! Rolling a Worgen FTW!!)

Christmas – 76 days (and slitting my wrists already)

Holiday with Ryan and the Gays - 85 days (Gran Canaria for some sun, sea and sexy lifeguards)

Its maddening to think of all the things that are coming, but only just a little bit out of reach. Still all of these things will help bring a little bit of shine to an otherwise dull life right now, especially now that the house is finally near completion. I feel a bit more free to breathe and start having a little bit of fun, instead of watching the pennies, and the pounds.

I know everyone will probably leave all their resolutions until new years, but I already know that I need to have a little more fun before then, and then make a resolution to have even more.

Keeping it brief today, just to start putting my toe back into my single bloggers lifestyle, but I promise a more concise and funny update in the days to come.

Leaving you all with an inspirational thought, you are all perfect at being yourselves. Catch you on the flip side readers.

(N.B. written while listening to Natalie Imbruglia's Counting Down the Days album)

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