Friday, 2 April 2010

OK now I'm SCARED !!!!!!

The joy of a holiday on Friday. There is nothing like that nice extra hour or so of sleep that make me look foreward to Easter. Of course I took advantage, stayed in my PJs all morning and sat in front of my True Blood reruns. Q guilty pleasure I assure you ;).

Of course we still have a house full of family but as we have all been fucking each other off, the grand majority have left me be on my own huzzah. But I know they will all be back on Sunday, hence the reason for my anxiety. Lee will be meeting them all and I am unashamedly beginning to feel the nerves. I am trying to be as optimistic as I can, but I sti worry, my family can be very wicked when they choose to be.

If this was The Bodyguard I would be standing ready to take a bullett if necessary, but here there are no weapons to stand in front of, and there is no protection from the things that people say. I love him so much, I just want everything to go well for his sake. I guess that's the problem with having such a passive aggressive family, it makes it hard to hold on to the people that you want to keep close. I'm afraid that if it all goes sour then I will loose him, he might just decide I'm not worth the aggro.

He has told me so many times I am worth it, but I still can't keep the fear in check. I have not done this before, can you tell ?

I think it's taking it's toll on me, makes me come across and extra clingy which I seriously do not want, and my mans patience might be getting strained. He doesn't show it but then it makes me feel self concious.

Seriously how do people do this, take the plunge and introduce people to their parents. I already feel like a nervous wreck.

1 comment:

  1. Scott

    Im not sure how others do it but he sounds like someone worth doing it for

    take care and be safe

